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How to Know If You Lack Boundaries and 9 Effective Ways To Create Them

Setting boundaries may feel strange but it will help you to live a more fulfilling life. Below you can find out 9 simple ways to exercise setting boundaries and learn a few signs that you lack boundaries.

How to Know If You Lack Boundaries and 9 Effective Ways To Create Them

Are you someone who takes the actions of others personally?

Boundaries are not always noticeable, so when they've been breached, it can leave you feeling confused and angry.

Establishing what you are okay with and what you will not tolerate can happen unintentionally.

But for a lot of us it takes time and practice to live mindfully and stop people pleasing.

Soon you'll be able to identify warning signs and discover a few tips to assist you with combating old habits.

5 Signs you lack boundaries

Helping others leaves a bad taste in your mouth

It's easy to say that you don't want to do something and still do it. It's an obedient cycle that began in childhood and proceeded into adulthood

It started with doing homework in elementary school and became reinforced when we got our first job.

We constantly do things for other people to the point where it feels unnatural to say no.

This especially becomes the case when you're good at something. Now your friends are asking you to take on task you normally wouldn't, your family wants you to cook, and you hear everyone else vent, but no one stops to ask how you're feeling.

Bitter, angry, passive aggressive, disappointed, tired, and lacking patience is how most people feel after engaging in an activity, that they desperately wanted to avoid.

People in your life get upset when you tell them no

How to set boundaries

A lot of the times those who have access to you will see what you have to offer.

Maybe you talk about a skill or they have witnessed it. This can result in a sense of entitlement and [sometimes unintentional] exploitation.

When you turn down their offer they may begin to lash out verbally or even commit aggressive acts such as slamming cabinet doors. Some may even resort to silent treatment in an effort to make you feel bad.

YOU get upset when someone says no

Without an understanding that no one in this world owes you anything, disappointment and frustration comes easy. We like to think that we have earned the right to our partners body, our friends company and for the world to align in our favor

The water becomes murky when you forget that you are dealing with circumstances outside of your control.

It bothers you when someone doesn't follow your advice

Advice is simply a suggestion.

When someone doesn’t follow your instructions and it negatively affects them are you quick to hurdle an I told you so? Are you deeply burdened by their problems and allowing it to affect your health, sleeping patterns and mood?

Being unable to see that change won't happen until they're ready can cause you stress.

It can also prompt you to act out of the ordinary. Alluding that you are qualified to be someones doctor, lawyer, or therapist because you believe you're right.

You begin to question why people are friends with you

Questioning yourself comes with a lack of boundaries

After all of the hard work is done, you wonder whether the people in your life would be there if you didn't always assist.

This can leave you feeling empty, alone, confused, and even ashamed for having those thoughts.

Questioning who you are and who you would be if you sat in the background more often, is a clear sign that you may be tired of your routine and afraid to deviate paths.

The goal is to feel comfortable and know that the people around you enjoy your presence even when the focus is on you. If the conversation shifts to your wants and needs, they don't turn away, instead they lend an ear.

But now that you can recognize the warning signs let us learn how to adapt healthy behaviors.

How can I set boundaries?

Exercise your right to a good day.

Wake up earlier. Allow yourself time to gather your thoughts, get your mind, body, and soul together before you begin class, start your shift, or interact with the world.

This way you start your day doing something for you and no matter what happens after, you started it off right.

Make time for yourself  

Learning about yourself, getting comfortable in your skin, or even discovering how to be alone can make life easier.

You will be less tempted to spend money on group plans you don’t want to do once you learn to hang out with yourself.

Do more things that make you happy

Create boundaries and live a better life

Responsibilities will not vanish. But you can make time for the things you love without burning yourself out.

Enjoy reading? Read a chapter before bed, its a manageable goal that won't take your entire night.

Create a support system

Friend One "Hey, girl I'm staying in today to relax"
Friend Two "You are?? Me too!"

Knowing that there are people around you who understand the importance of self care is essential. You can not be the best version of yourself if you're exhausted all of the time.

Create confidence and let go expectations

Impress yourself first so no matter the commentary you receive, you are still able to continue with your day.


“ I did this because [Fill in the blank] “
“I said no because it would cause me stress”
“My feelings are justified”

Stand tall in your decisions.  Identifying why you are doing it is just as important as doing it. We seek validation when we aren't 100% sure about our choices.

Be direct

Prioritize yourself

There's no room for miscommunication, take a breath, you can do this. If you can't afford to do an activity because it's not in your budget or you simply do not want to you can decline. Put forth into the world exactly what you want. Setting boundaries aren't always fun but you will feel better for it.

Say No

This boundary can save you a lot of stress and heart ache. It may feel strange and foreign at first BUT it feels amazing knowing that you chose yourself. The next time your job ask you to do unpaid work, remember that you have the right to say no.

Acknowledge your feelings

What you feel is justified. Every icky, uncomfortable, relieving, confusing emotion that you feel is valid. Whether you want to let the feelings in or not they will knock on the door and keep knocking until you give them attention. Breathe and show kindness to yourself for your feelings. Humans were meant to have emotions, it's okay.

Be compassionate

Show yourself some kindness. This journey is not cookie cutter.

It will have bumps and ridges but it will be perfect because it is yours. Treat yourself the way you would a friend.

Make tiny goals

Declare you want to save $25 this week. And once you do it upgrade the financial goal to $50.

It's the little things that build confidence and inspire the bigger ones.

set boundaries and exercise self care

In conclusion

Your friends should never take advantage of you and your house should be a place a of peace.

These boundaries can be grasped with two hands and worked on day by day. You can have a beautiful life with less stress and negativity because you, my friend have earned it.

If you found any of these tips helpful leave a comment and let me know! SCROLL for your FREE guide to living your best life!

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