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11 Obvious Signs You Need a Lifestyle Change

11 signs you need a lifestyle shift

Majority of us could use a lifestyle change sooner rather than later.

It could it be the familiar feeling of a new year approaching or maybe you asked the universe for a sign that you're going down the right path.

Understanding how you feel is equally as important as why you feel it.

I can always tell when life is calling for change because my moods begin to shift suddenly, I lack inspiration, and self-judgement becomes my number one enemy.

If you're wondering how can you begin to notice signs that you need a lifestyle shift, we first have to understand what a lifestyle change is.  

What is a lifestyle change?

A lifestyle change is a shift in behaviors or attitude in order to live a better life. When you remove people, places, and things that no longer suit you, you are indulging in a lifestyle change.

Also adding healthy behaviors to your daily regimen such as practicing self care, doing meditation, or managing your finances can improve your quality of life.

Now that you understand what a lifestyle shift is the next step is to determine what it can look like.

How can I tell if I need a lifestyle shift?

You wake up tired and unhappy

Exhausted by the thought of people, places and things? You might even find yourself googling questions you once found ridiculous. If you acknowledge that your every day routine is causing turmoil, it’s time to shake things up. 

Everything is routine

Some patterns are necessary.

This sign refers to when you can constantly predict what will happen next. If you still get a kick out of finishing your partners sentences, then by no means fix something that isn't broken.

But if you lose track of time because every day is like the one before then this one is for you.

The little things irritate you

This is a big predictor that something is stirring inside of you.

Ask yourself why did what happen bother you and work toward understanding your triggers, the things that cause your body to react.

The more you process your reaction, the easier it will be to work through it. 

How to live life on your own terms

You're bitter

When I was thrown off by the achievements of those around me, I knew something was wrong. My affection never changed but I found myself wondering about my own capabilities. 

If this sounds familiar then it’s okay, it can be conquered as well.

You put up with too much

If you lack boundaries and are not being respected in your household, work environment, or within your inner circle, it's time to put your foot down.

When it begins to feel uncomfortable to do things differently, just breathe.

Take a second to remember why that boundary exist. It also helps to focus on this when the feelings of doubt start to kick in.

You daydream of a better life 

I found myself hating my first job. I was unenthusiatic to go to work and my shifts seemed to drag. Anytime there wasn’t a customer at my register, I would think about being somewhere else. 

I felt out of place and my work environment wasn’t pleasant.

You recognize everything wrong with your job

Have you noticed that when you’re newly hired everything seems bright and shiny?

Coworkers are on their best behavior, you don’t know enough about the job yet to see any errors, and you may not be relied on as much.

When the bliss vanishes, you may realize you do more work than your teammates and potentially for less pay. Maybe you feel unappreciated or think this job is occupying too much of your time.

If this happens, it’s time to either speak up or move on.

11 signs you need a lifestyle change

You constantly spend money to supplement happiness

I bought purses every other week. My collection was so big, that when I counted them, I hit double digits. 

If what you purchase only makes you feel good temporarily, this is not a healthy coping mechanism.

Look into career switches, hobbies, or even try to find cheap recipes. Spend money on something that makes you happy in the long run as well. 

You reflect and have regrets 

“I wish I had -”

“If only -”

“Imagine if I accepted that offer for-”

The only solution is to simply make strides toward the future. Yes, Path A was better at the time, but what would you have given up?

You can do things that make you happy today. As you read this, plan what you’ll do when you’re finished.

If you keep waiting for the stars to align you’ll miss out on everything. 

Lack of motivation

Do you have to muster up strength to get up in the morning? You could begin to set goals for yourself.

Goal Method

I recently found the 25/5 method. Pick an area of your life (Ex. relationships, health, career) and write down 25 goals. Cross out 20 of the items and only focus on what is left.

Alternative Goal Method

Use what I've always referred to as "the umbrella method" and write down smaller goals followed by bigger ones (Ex. I want to have $5,000 saved and I want to save $5 a day).

The smaller goals allow you gain the confidence and drive needed for the larger ones.

Choosing a goal method is crucial

Too much stimulation


Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be put out of your comfort zone, every single day.

You deserve a break, a day to kick back and relax without having to worry about preparation.

Your friends are moving on without you

Social media feed flooded with people adulting in ways you aren’t? Take a moment to figure out what you want. 

With this new found clarity you can start to write down the course of action needed to make all of your dreams come true.

Keep in mind there are other ways to determine if something needs to change in your life and if the symptoms you feel are not on this list take a second to breathe and listen to your gut.

The fact that you took the time to read this post mean some small part of you is ready to shake things up despite any anxiety you may feel or hesitation to put yourself first. You're ready for new things and that is admirable.

What are examples of lifestyle changes?

Waking up earlier for alone time

I love having time to myself and beginning my day on my own terms is no exception. I feel more empowered and ready for anything thrown at me as I sip my coffee and think about the day ahead.

Building your credentials

Nothing says lifestyle change like becoming more qualified and increasing your income.

Creating a budget

Managing your finances is the biggest flex. You can single handedly change the trajectory of your life and the generations after you by knowing how to use your money.

Investing as soon as you can, deciding a savings goal, and living below your means will help you to secure your future.

Eliminating toxic people

This means relationships that take more than they give and people who longer have your best interest at heart.

Having a small circle is normal it's always important to remember quality over quantity. When you gain the strength to cut off family members who are causing you to settle in a puddle of sadness and stress you'll be happier as well.

Lifestyle changes are meant to be baby steps toward an overall healthy life.

In conclusion

Imagine the joy that could radiate from within you and stop settling for less.

This is not to suggest that you disrespect your parents, tell your boss to shove it, or go sell all of your belongings for quick cash.

It simply is a guide for knowing when it’s time to fix your current reality.

A change of scenery is inevitable. There are obstacles everywhere, why emphasize the ones that prohibit your inner peace and sanity?

Now, it's time to work toward getting up in the morning with a purpose and fire in your belly. Awaken your soul and live your life for you.

Let us know in the comments which sign you identified with!

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